2010년 12월 3일 금요일

'Experiential Purchases' Make Consumers Happy

Reading Reaction Journal #3

The Chosun Ilbo (2009, Mars, 18).  'Experiential Purchases' Make Consumers Happy”.

People go to Movie Theater and restaurant. It makes happy. Why many people feel happy to do these things? According to Ryan Howell, she said, they felt of satisfaction when they went to Movie Theater and restaurants. Ryan Howell said it called Experiential Purchases. Thus, these industries will be making more money than before. In addition, when people did donate, they felt of being alive. It means why many people spend their money for watch movie, eat restaurant and donate. Because they felt satisfied, happy, and being alive.

             Though this article, I can learn about why ‘Experiential Purchases’ make customer happy. Before I read this article, I didn’t know why most people went to restaurant and watched a movie at theater because those things can do house. I can borrow DVD and watching movie and I make food. However, now, I understand that why people doing these things. They want to feel satisfy, happy and being alive though to do dominate and go to restaurant. So I know that ‘Experiential Purchases” make customer happy and It is important part of industry.   

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